Releasing Past Life Vows for Financial Abundance

Releasing Past Life Vows for Financial Abundance

May 16, 2024

I learn so much from my clients.

Understanding the past life vows and their impact:

Yesterday, my client came into her session,
“I need to clear Vows around money made across all lifetimes in all marriage
Vows around having to work hard to make money
Vows specifically made around Money with my ex
Vows of poverty across all lifetimes
Vows of seclusion
Vows to hide gifts from the world
Vows of silence
These are standing in my way!”

Breaking the chains:

She wants to live a life that is abundant financially, in love and spirit, in sharing her gifts. And knows that something is standing in her way.
My methodologies are a combination of those modalities learned in courses, Reiki, Chi Gun Healing, Auric Energy Medicine to name just a few – and those downloaded to me through my spirit team.

We called in her team and mine, and got a strong message that this was past life work. My past life modality is one that was downloaded to me through spirit, we do not look at a single lifetime, we release energies from many, so it is perfect for
something like this.Every time you make a vow in any life , It follows you.

Dying does not cancel the vow!

An old soul may carry a lot of baggage in this manner.
First, we had to figure out which of these vows were most important to clear first? Because this is way too much for a single session for this, I brought out the pendulum.

Healing and Integration:

Vows around having to work hard to make money came in first, to hide gifts from the world was second and poverty was a close third.When I take a client into a past life session, they need to go deep into the emotion we are clearing, so we went into meditation with the focus on the emotion around having to work hard to make money, feeling how this feels, the struggle she has lived with in her current life,
And we find ourselves on a dying world in which everyone was working hard just to survive, children were rare, and not celebrated as they required resources and everyone knew that their life would be horrible, there was no hope.
And I am using my pendulum to gather the energies, and as bad as it was, all of a sudden my pendulum reversed—usually and indicator that the scene is complete and we are ready to clear. But the energies did not clear.

“There are beings coming in from the sky. All of you are being picked up off this planet. Your son is about to explode. But you are terrified. You have never seen off worlders. You did not know such beings existed. You had expected to die. This rescue is worse. There is terror. You were one of the elders. Your people are placed in pens.This is not a nice group. Before you were on a dying world. Now you are a slave, all your people are slaves. You die knowing you have failed your people.
Even working hard doesn't help. There is no success. There is no way to win. None at all.”

I continue to gather the energies and the scene slowly changes to a life in the old west as a dancer in a dance hall, you marry, you and your husband work the land and have a subsistence living, where you say on a regular basis

“You have to work hard for your money”.

After the 4 th child you have complications, and these lead to your death.
These two examples are enough, the energies are gathered, and they have all been released, releasing the hold they have on her in her current life. They have had a strong effect on the solar plexus chakra, undermining her personal power, and her belief in herself.

Embrace the freedom:

She will be able to move forward now without the limiting belief that she has to work hard for her money. It has been replaced with the belief that money can come in with ease and grace.And this is only one of the vows, but her energy is done.
For today we are complete, there is still more work to do.