How Being a Psychic Can Affect You Spiritually

How Being a Psychic Can Affect You Spiritually

Apr 29, 2024

What is it like to be psychic?

I get asked this question often. Sometimes it is amazing you see and know things that help people and give them clarity.

Every so often, it sucks big time. You get given important information that nobody wants to hear…

And whether you choose to or not to share it.

You then get to watch events play out, exactly as you saw them—in real time. The other day, when I woke up, my friend’s emotional body was with me, I will call her Emma.

She had recently been very ill, so I checked in on her with a quick visit of my astral body. She was ok, but this piece of her refused to return.

Then I saw a FB message. A beloved animal was sick and at the vet... Critical surgery was needed. Then, in came the pet’s energy and message.

"Please, no surgery; I am done; I can do no more; there is critical work for me on the other side. I will be leaving this dimension today."

Without telling her what I saw, I contacted another psychic for corroboration, one who communicates with animals and has previously worked with this pet. They look in and see a major mass, and the pet may survive surgery; however, it will not last more than a couple of hours.

It all starts to make sense. Now I know why Emma’s emotional body is here with me; on some level, she already knows.

As hard as it is, I tell her what I have seen and what I know, which contradicts the information she has been given by the Vet.

This is not what she wants to hear.

Then, a frenzy to collect the dollars needed ensues; many who know her contribute from love.

The surgery is done, and the condition is way worse than anticipated, but the pet survives.

I say, “I sure hope I am wrong,” and mean it big time!

Sadly, the pet takes a turn; there is nothing the vet can do, and the beloved animal dies.

What I saw, and another psychic (in even greater detail) played out in real time.
Excruciating to watch.

All the time, hoping against hope that what you saw and heard was wrong.

So, my answer to the question, what is it like to be psychic...


It's both good and bad.

Everyone has freewill,
They will get on the plane, the car, the train,
They will try against all odds,
And there is nothing you can do, no proof, no guarantee, just the hope that what you saw, what you heard, what you know is coming… isn’t coming.

Everyone has the right to choose,
and it is always possible that I am wrong.

So many of you struggle with this gift.

Some of you try to hide it.

Some of you want to strengthen it.

Whatever you choose to do, know that it is an extraordinary part of you.

And if you can, use it to do so much good in the world.People need you.