How Exploring Past Lives Can Transform Your Relationships

How Exploring Past Lives Can Transform Your Relationships

May 16, 2024

The Power of Exploring Past Lives in Relationship Healing:

Have you known your partner before in another life, another time? If you destroyed each other in another lifetime, what does that mean for your relationship now?

A session with a client doesn’t necessarily begin when we sit down together. A client I previously worked with, booked in with her boyfriend of 6 months to look at past lives.
To clear the ones that might interfere with them having a successful relationship this time around. (Water can be a strong connector, and in my shower this morning these two came through clearly)

Recognizing Shared Energies Across Lifetimes:

Surprisingly they have not actively lived a great number of lives together.There are times when they have come together in their unique energies and amazing things have happened. Sometimes they’ve come together, and it hasn’t gone so well.
Sometimes these special people act like “Watchers” for each other. They don’t talk or guide each other like teachers, but they secretly change things in a way that helps them grow inside, like their souls becoming stronger. It’s not about making life better, but about helping them get better on the inside.They have also been “Guardians” to each other, similar to Guardian Angels – almost being like their own superheroes for one another.

However, Angels do not re-manifest as humans, so most of those that we think of as guardian angels may actually be “Guardian” people.These beings actually influence the human experience, intervening, switching timelines to avoid trauma, catching us if we are about to fall, if our car is about to be in an accident, or where we walk away from an accident that was a guaranteed fatality.The time comes to meet up and I tell them what I know about them. I create the heart-to-heart connection required for the type of work we do together, and I invite them into my healing space.
I start to work the “Way-back machine” my special pendulum for past lives work, and we are in an alternate time-space dimension.

We are immediately starting with a life that is not a human life. They are both golden orbs.I am guessing that this is the unique relationship mentioned earlier.

“You are golden orbs. One is slightly larger than the other. And as I’m watching, one is flashing bright, and then the other."

And I would guess that I am watching an argument.
A loud, excited, passionate argument!
Except it’s silent.

Navigating the Journey Together:

It’s a visual argument between two extremely strong beings.”And as I’m watching, each one gets bigger and brighter than before and then the other gets bigger and brighter and it’s so strong... and you can almost feel them yelling at each other.
I can feel this extreme tension in my gut that is shared by my clients. I’m releasing the energies. For some reason, I’m being told not to gather these and store them for later release, as I would normally do, but to release them now, as we go.
They are going to explode!
These amazing, beautiful beings I am watching, their energy is growing and building to where the outcome is inevitable.
We cannot change the outcome; this has already happened.I can release their spirits, which I have now done, but they are not crossing over, they are coming into my clients.

The Transformative Potential of Past Life Exploration:

Let them settle into your hearts, they will bring in strength, resilience, creativity, and other qualities I am not sure of… we have cleared the discord, there is no need to be in fear.
Now you will need to allow those spirits, aspects of you from other lives and times to fully integrate within you, and find how you will grow and change, working together as you go forward.
My clients released tension from their past so they can develop their relationship into the most compassionate, satisfying, love affair-life affair, that two souls can have.