How Inner Child Trauma Can Affect Your Journey Towards Healing

How Inner Child Trauma Can Affect Your Journey Towards Healing

Jun 14, 2024

Have you ever felt like your life is like running on a treadmill — all the traction but no real progress? That was me for years. I'd set goals and chase dreams, but something always held me back.

It wasn't until I discovered shadow work that I realized I was carrying an unseen anchor: the weight of unresolved childhood trauma.

Not many people know this, but it was shadow work that truly freed me from my past.

Growing up, I witnessed a lot of anger and violence. It colored my world, leaving me feeling unsafe and unsure of myself. As a way to cope, I learned to shrink, to dim my light to avoid becoming a target. This became my default setting, even as an adult.

The darkness inside me protected me as a child, but it wasn't just protecting me anymore; it was holding me back. The fear of expressing myself, of going for what I truly wanted, all stemmed from that childhood wound — until I learned to embrace that same darkness.

It wasn't easy, but through guided exercises and introspection, I started facing the hidden parts of myself. I saw the scared child hiding within, the one who had built walls and a cage to protect herself.

But here's the amazing thing about the darkness– as I acknowledged her pain, I also saw her strength. She had survived, she had learned to cope, and she was ready to heal, and help others.

It wasn't a linear process. There were tears, rage, moments of doubt, and anger. Yet, with each step, I felt a little lighter, a little freer, and I learned to love the warrior inside me.

Slowly, I started to question the stories I'd built around my experiences. I rediscovered my voice, my passions, and the things that truly made me happy. With each small step, the fear of failure lessened, replaced by the thrill of possibility.
But my story doesn't end there, the journey continues today.

Much like yours. Shadow work is a lifelong journey of self-discovery. But the impact on my life has been profound. Today, I stand tall, unafraid to take up space, especially in the spiritual world. I chase dreams with a newfound courage and guide my clients to chase theirs.

Embracing the dark so you can find the light can help you heal, grow, and finally step into your full potential. And I am here, so that we can explore it together! But the real question is...are you ready to break free from your own unseen anchor?