How Past Life Regression Can Uncover and Heal Your Hidden Phobias and Blockages

How Past Life Regression Can Uncover and Heal Your Hidden Phobias and Blockages

May 20, 2024

Why Do We Have Unexplained Fears and Phobias?

The sticking points in our lives. The unexplained. The unknown phobias...we all have them, right?
You have an amazing business, and you love what you do… Why are you afraid to put yourself out there and claim it? What makes it so hard to create realistic boundaries, not only with the people you love but even with those you don’t care so much about?
You walk into a place, you’ve never been here before, how can it feel so much like home?
Why are some things so easy to do and others that seem like they should be easy so fricken hard?
Everyone loves to swim; they all look forward to being in the water… Why am I so terrified?
When there is a recurring behavior in your life, something that happens over and over again and you do not seem to be able to change the pattern there may be left over energies, sometimes better known as karma, that are influencing your behavior from past lives.

Setting Boundaries: How Past Life Energies Impact Your Present

The entire concept of past lives is rooted in the belief that we have lived before. Without the concept of reincarnation, there is no foundation for the ideas of past lives, karma, and even the passing on of ancestral knowledge and energy.
Many individuals, when they work with past lives, will take you back to an alternate life and guide you through the experience from beginning to end. This is very entertaining, to say the least, and can provide some enlightening data; however, that only scratches the surface of past life work.

The Perpetrator, Victim, and Savior Roles: A Past Life Triangle

As we incarnate over and over again, we play different roles, and these tend to fall into three separate categories. You can visualize it a little bit like a triangle, one of the most stable of the geometric forms.


The First I will talk about is the Perpetrator, (and we never like to think about ourselves in this role, this is ALWAYS the other guy). The perpetrator is the bad guy, the one taking advantage of others, demanding more than their due, and even being violent and aggressive.


The Second role we take is that of the victim, and many of my clients come to me because they are currently in this role; someone or many are taking advantage of you.
This person is a people pleaser, they are unable to say no, it is very hard to rock the boat, to live with discord and a life where others are unhappy with you.


The Third and final role is that of Savior, and this is the other role that many of my client’s are currently living. When you are a savior it is your job to get in the middle between the perpetrator and the victim, to fix impossible situations. Sometimes it is simply to protect someone from their own karma, as in the case of addiction. And as it is impossible to please everyone all the time, the savior is always in a state of never doing enough, and never taking care of themselves, and always sure that they are lacking… and not enough.

Recurring Behaviors: Identifying and Releasing Past Life Patterns

In this life, I myself went between victim and savior before I decided that neutrality created a much better way of being. Moving into a neutral way of life requires releasing the Savior/Victim/Perpetrator Triangle and all the Karma and energies that had been picked up in hundreds of thousands of lives within the space/time dimensional continuum.

Opting Out of the Matrix: Achieving Neutrality in Life

It means opting out of the matrix, and refusing to play the game by the current rules.
When I do past life work with you, the purpose of this work is to find an area in your current life in which you are stuck… having problems, unable to move forward. You don’t feel good about it, you don’t have any idea how to get past it, and you are damn good and ready to RELEASE it, NOW!

The Wayback Machine: A Tool for Past Life Exploration

So, we will find the exact phrase that makes you the MOST uncomfortable. And that is the one we will use. And I will pull out the Wayback machine… and off we go.
And Snippets of other lives will play out before us, only those pieces that are direct references to what we are working on, we will see pieces from 4 to 6 lives that may be human experiences or may come from lives in other times or dimensions. We will gather up energies for these lifetimes and many, many, many others.
Tension will grow during the collection process. When all of these energies have come together, (not lifetimes, one lifetime may have many energies in regards to the emotional trigger we are working on) my pendulum will slow to a stop, and then turn around.

Gathering Energies: The Tension and Release Process

At this point the energies will start to release, and we will feel the tension begin to fade, until they have all been transmuted into love, or gone into light, or dark, where they belong.
If any of the Souls from any of the lifetimes did not properly transition, we will take care of releasing them back to the universe so that they are free to continue their reincarnation journey, unhindered by the energies of this life that they have now been freed from.

Transforming Your Present Reality:

And you also, and now free of all of these energies, all of this Karma, to go about your life, no longer unable to be seen, set boundaries, you don’t have to fight to do the hard things, you understand why a certain place draws you in, and you know why you never wanted to learn how to swim and now you can!
Past life work is magical.