How Quartz Crystals Help in Physical Healing

How Quartz Crystals Help in Physical Healing

Apr 23, 2024

Shaman Dream Quartz...

(Let me tell you about it, and the most incredible thing to note is at the end of this post)

Also known as Garden Quartz, Lodalite Quartz, Shaman Quartz, Lodalite, Shamanic Dream Crystals.

Amazing quartz crystals with exquisite physical and energetic inclusions:



                                  invites physical healing.

Iron (dark) or Hematite (red):

                                   helps with blood disorders and strength to deal with difficult situations.

Limonite (yellow):

balances the solar plexus chakra, calling in abundance and the ability to trust one’s gut instincts.

Lithium (pink):

                      calls in peace and relaxation, allowing us to recover from too much stimulation and even anxiety.

Kaolinite (white):

helps those who need to forgive themselves and others.

All colors bring about a shift in consciousness and connection to alternate realms.

For those who are open, it may enhance visions and create greater internal harmony.

This is a very gentle energy that can be used to promote lucid dreaming and Shamanic journeys, aiding us in removing negative energy and increasing healing in our lives as they harmonize male and female energies with us.

As much as I'd love to tell you this one is for sale, it's not. While I was creating her, she called to me, and I cannot refuse a divine cry.

However, we can connect if you would like one, especially for the budding Shaman.

P.S. The copper Tree of Life intertwines you with the stone, not forgetting all realms, all timelines, and all energies. It's light to wear and a real game-changer for your spiritual abilities.