How Shadow Work Can Help in Spiritual Growth

How Shadow Work Can Help in Spiritual Growth

Apr 29, 2024

Shadow work is the last job on the table — very few are willing to go and retrieve their pain so that they can heal…

Sean and I created Fire Ceremonies and when we journey into the Akashic Records here, he is there with me throughout the entire experience, seeing, guiding, and living it.

Integrations happen during a Fire Ceremony; some have a few or until they decide they are complete. Some continue to integrate aspects of themselves until their last breath. For me, it is a continual process.


Inside my Akashic Records one day, I encountered a considerable change; the insane asylum was no longer the right place for me to be. This representation is not in alignment with my Akashic Records. It is time to rebuild them.

There is no one in any of the rooms now, and there is this tall being just standing there bouncing a ball in midair, looking at me, just watching and bouncing his ball.

Bars are not serving me anymore. The caves are not serving anybody anymore. The aspects are not coming to me through this place anymore. Just as I think each thought, they disappear, one at a time. But he’s still standing there bouncing his ball.

My new records need to be an integration of all the aspects of me. It needs to contain portions of the crystal world. It needs to contain the healing abilities of the rain world. It should convey the dynamic essence of an energetic being, an entity comprised solely of energy without a physical manifestation. It needs to be made on the properties of sacred geometry.


I realized that I needed to bring in the frequencies of Christ consciousness. It needs to have the love and cooperation of all the beings to come together within it. There are 144 angels on guard duty, and I use this as my new healing space and where I come for my integrations.

Sean Guides me; you need to make your place with all these beings that are in it.

They’re coming. As I speak it into being. It’s protected by a force field, but it also accesses dimensions — light, dark, and neutral. There’s a connection to the void and all these different types of beings, from the Fay to those of the Dark, and access to interdimensional transport. It’s not right, but English is not right.

As I complete the Guardian of Transitions, his bouncing ball fades away. I know I am not done with transitions in my life, and I wonder when I will see him again.
We change and evolve over time.

I have my beautiful new crystalline records, though I usually come into a valley within the cliffsides. Reminiscent of the Yeti home world without the snow and cold — still an inhospitable place. It had not occurred to me that my Akashic Records might still be in for another upgrade. I asked for and integrated my shadow, acknowledging and deeply loving within myself. Everything I most despise in the outside world has been a challenge… looking that openly and honestly into my depths, seeing the reality of the good that I am and the mirror shown where this shadow has given me the ability to bring in beauty even as I look into the face of ugliness.


Before my dark retreat I worked with pieces of my shadow… never the whole as one single entity. Quite different and very enlightening. Oh, so fulfilling! Everything in perfect timing!

I went into my Fire Integration Ceremony last night, and my Guardian of Transitions was there again, bouncing his ball.

This time I had asked to bring in accepting the unacceptable… where appropriate. Because in order to fully accept my shadow, it is absolutely necessary for me to accept that there are parts of me that are unacceptable… and I AM STILL LOVABLE, I AM STILL PERFECT exactly as I am.

This life is a growing experience, and it is fitting that I am still learning and growing.

My new Akashic Records are somewhere I have been my whole life! My little meadow by the Sea with the Giant tree and the Cave that little Dede lives in. My healing space is still there… much of what I created in the last Akashic records session has moved with me, but the local is my favorite spot of all.

In integrating my shadow, I have accepted myself!

Yes, I will still be learning and growing; that is what this life is about.

The level of peace is exceptional.Integrating your shadow is also one of the instrumental pieces of manifesting.