How Spiritual Awakening Feels Like for You

How Spiritual Awakening Feels Like for You

Apr 30, 2024

With everything that’s going on in the world right now, we are all very aware of each other’s energy. We are feeling it, absorbing it, getting tripped up and triggered
by it, and there is so much confusion on how to deal with it. You don’t have to be an Empath to feel another’s energy.

Some of you may have had a rough time this holiday; been around family members you’d rather not.

Had to listen to opinions or points of view that conflict with yours.

Conversely, you may have realized your relatives need your help, as they’re
going through something they can’t explain.


Experiencing these unusual feelings, you may be thinking “What is going on?” This is perfectly normal if it has been affecting you for a while and you’ve just woken up to it.

Awakening feels like a complex issue when it starts. It can arrive as confusing, and debilitating, almost like you’re changing or getting sick.

Imagine a horse removing its blinders – it can feel like this. The world looks different, feels strange, and you may be disconnected.