Why Spiritual Coaching Can Heal Your Life

Why Spiritual Coaching Can Heal Your Life

Apr 29, 2024

What is the cost of not dealing with your trauma?

What is the emotional cost?

Potential clients talk to me about the lack of alignment in their lives, and what I mean by that is the lack of the right career, a playful and passionate relationship, and the income level.

And with trauma comes a reluctance to spend money on yourself.

Trauma can bring resistance; perhaps you feel you're not worthy of investing in yourself to improve your self-awareness, emotional intelligence, spirituality, and healing. Or maybe you don't really understand how good life can be once you improve these areas of your life.

So, what is the cost financially?

To put it bluntly, you are missing out on the energetic alignment that allows you to achieve any level of financial freedom you choose. When you work in the spiritual realm, in particular the shadows; this helps you to become whole. When you become whole, your frequency changes, and you start calling in the right career, the right opportunities, and the right income.

What is the cost emotionally?

Do you desire that playful and passionate relationship that goes on for years?

Falling in love with a partner who you keep on falling in love with, having those levels of intimacy where you spend time together doing things you love, laughing together, and creating a level of closeness that others envy. That is the emotional cost, because you can't have those things when you are at war with yourself.

What is the cost to your health?

Are you overeating? Have you forgotten that your body is a brilliant self-repairing machine that supports you and can take you anywhere? Are you suffering from an unknown illness or health condition that could be avoided entirely? Most conditions relate to a spiritual aspect, and in avoiding working and spending time on yourself, you are postponing that healing process.

So, when I talk to people about joining my program, and they are undecided, I ask what is the cost if you don’t.

Only you can answer that question, but if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, if you are working in a career that you are unhappy with and underpaid,

or if you are in turmoil in your relationship, or even don't have the relationship of your dreams,

then one or all of these could be YOUR cost.

How far does your unhappiness have to go before you make a change?