How Spiritual Coaching Can Lead to Healing and Self Acceptance

How Spiritual Coaching Can Lead to Healing and Self Acceptance

Apr 29, 2024

This morning, I woke up to a beautiful testimonial...

"It's clear to me that working with you and doing this process of accepting pieces of myself that I've lost, facing and addressing pain and trauma, and simply remembering is processing through my body.

So, I wanted to leave you a quick message today to say what an interesting night I had. I woke up around 4:00 AM (because my daughter was getting a flight) with incredible pain around the base of my spine and my lower back I could hardly move.

I quickly fell back to sleep and woke up again around two hours later with the same incredible pain around my chest, in my lymph glands adjacent to my armpits, and running right way across my chest. In fact, the pain was so severe it almost disabled any movement. I went back to sleep for a few more hours and woke up feeling refreshed, light, and with no pain in my body anywhere.

Throughout my life, I've been very skilled in pushing down things I don't want to remember, guilt, and memories that I feel no longer serve me. However, it's now clear the things that I thought were resolved are not, and these need to be accepted and loved by me- not just boxed away and forgotten and never dealt with. So, I'm leaving this message for you this morning just to say thank you, thank you for being my partner on this journey and thank you for making me not feel crazy."

What a special client.

And messages like these are why I do what I do.