How Spiritual Coaching Heals Trauma Revolving Around Trust Issues

How Spiritual Coaching Heals Trauma Revolving Around Trust Issues

Apr 30, 2024


  • Exploring the impact of trauma on trust:

If you think I’m going to trust and depend on others, you must be crazy.

Well, that was my attitude a while back. I sure have changed one heck of a lot from the person I used to be.

Why is it so hard to trust and depend on others?

For so many years, back in my teens, 20s, and when married to Terry, trust did not exist. Growing up with domestic abuse, I trusted no one. When that line is severed between parent and child, trust is just a fictional word you hear others talking about.

Heck, I didn’t even trust myself!

My then-husband did his best, bringing his trauma as partners do. He was present as much as he could be, but I let us both down, and so did he. We disappointed each other in lots of small ways, and it just made me realize how important it is to take care of myself and rely only on myself.

Have you ever been in a relationship like that?

  • Recognizing trust issues in healing:

My spiritual path began to unfold, and as I came to know my angels and my guides, I learned to trust them and through them, myself and my higher guidance.

My self-worth grew as I helped others and witnessed the results—achievements increase your confidence, which grows your self-respect at the same time.


  • Cultivating inner strength:

As I learned to trust myself, I understood I am a person worth being around.

I am someone others can trust. I committed to my intuition and self-love flooded in.

Surprisingly, when I learned to love and trust myself, I could love and trust others. I met the love of my life and for the first time, I allowed important decisions for our home and finances to be made for me. I know that his decisions are as good as mine.


I have hired people to work with me in my business and trust them to guide me and help me to make decisions in areas where they have more expertise than I do.

Working with mentors has changed my life, and do you know what?

  • Choosing the Right Guide for Your Healing Journey:

There’s no better feeling. We don’t come into this world alone, we come through another’s soul—through a female body. You may think we leave this world alone too, but we go on to another place where a different type of consciousness lives.

We are tribal as humans, bouncing off the energy of others, needing the warmth and inspiration of collective frequency.

We know this, as babies die without love.

We understand this, as depression increases through isolation.

We see this through witnessing communities of faith, cultural or ethnic groups, or simply groups of people with common interests.

And we feel this through desperately wanting a family to create the love bonds we need in this lifetime.This is natural and how it should be. Modern living and the traps of society are the only things that has teach us to stand alone.

It is not our natural state, emotionally or physically.

My teams, spiritual, family, and business are here for me. My mentors are here for me.

Abandoning the fear of trusting others guides you into the space for receiving better health, wealth, and relationships.


Your negative experiences and emotional issues are the sticking points that stop the financial and abundant flow of life. The life that you deserve, the one that is waiting for you to simply accept.

I’ve accepted mine, and it was a rocky journey.

When are you going to accept yours?