How Spiritual Coaching Helps in Transforming My Clients Lives

How Spiritual Coaching Helps in Transforming My Clients Lives

Apr 29, 2024

This is the young girl whose life I assisted in saving. She was a student in my elementary class… and the catalyst for my spiritual gifts.

Little Dayana was sick, in and out of the hospital and given little chance to live. I was her teacher, powerless to help her.

Or so I thought.


I knew I had spiritual gifts, but didn’t know how strong they were. At the
time I had no idea they would turn out to be so powerful. However, alone, the task of helping Dayana was way too much for me.

But when Sean stepped in, the secrets to Dayana’s healing started to unfold. We began the process of sending divine energy inside crystals and with the very first one a change began to unfold… and she did not return to the hospital that week or the next one or the next. She made a miraculous albeit imperfect recovery and as you can see, is growing up to be a well-adjusted young lady.

But before this happened, I didn’t believe in my gifts. Not one bit!

I just thought it was Sean who held all the power. He was in constant connection with the departed. I barely had a connection at all. And I certainly had little belief.
After all, life dealt me a bad hand of cards…

I’ve noticed in life that no matter what you do, where you go or how far you run, what is designed for you tracks you down.

You can’t avoid your destiny.

Yes, you can try to change it, but everything in life will pull you back to your path.

That includes pain, chaos, and powerlessness.


I learned too late that you can do it gracefully and effortlessly.

But now I teach others you can.

My story is the biggest testament of all to my work; the ultimate transformation.

And it’s still continuing... I am living proof that miracles things happen to ordinary people.

My clients lives change before my eyes. I assist transformation not only in the spiritual realm but in your daily life.

So, if you’re reading this thinking, I just don’t know how others activate their spiritual gifts; find a way, give it a try, dip your toes in, and take a sip from the spiritual cup.

And if you are uncertain of your approach – like I was, feel free to reach out.