How Spiritual Doctoral Program Helps You Achieve Life Goals

How Spiritual Doctoral Program Helps You Achieve Life Goals

Jun 14, 2024

Does your life suck? I know that's a difficult question.

Challenge after challenge after challenge,

Sometimes it feels like you can never catch a break!

Your business won’t get off the ground no matter what you do, and you KNOW that your idea is sound and you have the right client pinpointed… Are you at the stage that every time you start to feel good there is a new health challenge that raises it’s ugly head, maybe an auto-immune disease, possibly a bout with cancer or high blood pressure, there is always something…

And how can it be that you always pick the same relationship… it feels like the same WRONG person, just with a different face and different name!

Well, I am dropping a truth bomb today, and there could be two reasons for this.

For both, please know that you are in the Spiritual Doctoral Program. You may have not heard of this before but you are an old soul, and you have passed the lower-level lessons on your spiritual journey. So, when you decided to come in to a human existence this time, you signed up for the hard lessons, upper-level content, big time.

You signed up for the lessons that would stretch your boundaries and move the needle on your spiritual growth.

It could be that this time you want to fully live your etheric blueprint, you want to create your SOUL’s Purpose, so whenever you stray, when you negotiated your path prior to birth, you asked for guidance to get you back on track. I know it seems complex! But hear me out.

This does not make for an easy journey, especially if you have not yet figured out what that purpose is! The human journey always comes with that aspect of forgetting.

And no one is above this, all need to travel through their ups and downs to discover why they are here.

Or it could simply be that this trip into human form has caused you to lose touch with why you came. You are so far off your blueprint that the universe is simply doing its best to get you back on track.

This journey can be a tough one.

Either way, when you are here for the hard lessons, having someone on your side who will help you to navigate the tough stuff, a mentor who understands that these lessons are not for the faint of heart, can be a blessing. Nobody takes their Doctoral program by themselves, and this can be of immense value.