How Spirituality Awakens Your Inner Dragon

How Spirituality Awakens Your Inner Dragon

Apr 23, 2024

Some of you have the gift of dragon breath. Some of you fly with dragons. Some dragons form part of your spiritual team. Some of you have dragon wings hidden from others...

So, you may need Dragon Blood Jasper; let me tell you why.

Dragonstone Jasper:

                               also known as Dragon Blood Jasper, directly connects to your heart chakra and awakens your inner dragon.

This energetic stone connects you to your passion, love, and forgiveness.

Drawing power and strength from Mother Earth, this stone of truth illuminates your true self in all its beauty and glory, raising your spiritual vibration to help you manifest your dreams... every single area of your life.

It reminds us that mistakes and failures are learning opportunities. That Science and Magic are both real, and what may seem impossible today will one day be every day. single. day.

This is the stone of MAGIC. This is the stone of the spiritual warrior, visionary, and leader.

I have been making the Tree of Life on Dragons Blood Jasper for exclusive spiritual pioneers.

I was recently drawn to creating one more, knowing it would be requested soon.
Is it yours?