How Spirituality Transformed My Life

How Spirituality Transformed My Life

Apr 23, 2024


Such a big word… and it feels all-encompassing. But what is it really… is transformation a one-and-done?


Are we constantly undergoing transformation?

Changing in amazing ways to create the life we desire.

To live the blueprint that we brought into existence when we chose human form?
I think that can be a scary concept to consider; I mean, how often do we create the obstacles that stop our transformation?

My transformation began very young…

I knew I did not want to be the angry, bitter young woman that I was. I could not change my environment, my rough childhood, or my family members, but I could change my reaction to the circumstances and to them. And I began to seek out mentors,

And to look inward,

to meditate in a day and time when that was barely heard of.

And transformation took place.

Then I knew that alcohol was not an answer for my type A personality, driven, assertive, stressed…

I needed better ways to relax than 5’3” me drinking 6’+ men under the table.

I searched for mentors and began to look deeper inward. I continued my meditation practice and left the alcohol behind (though not the type A personality)

And transformation took place.

Then I realized that working in a job I hated was not serving me,

And I returned to school,

And I searched for mentors and increased my knowledge.

I became a teacher.

And transformation took place.

My son was born and had challenging behavior. The whispers pointed to bad parenting…

I searched out answers. He has Autism, and is deeply spiritually connected.

I searched out mentors for both of us,
I found my connection to the cosmos,
I began journaling and going to deeper levels of meditation,
And once again, transformation took place.

And all that transformation happened a long time ago.


So, today I am looking into my health,
I need to eat better and exercise more.
I have found new mentors.
I will make new habits.

Because I am called to transform once again.

Along with my business.

Along with my son.

Along with my clients.

I know sometimes you can get so low or foggy that you don’t know how to activate the transformation you so badly need. Sometimes it takes years, other times one person can change your life in one sentence.

What is it you’d like to transform? Very often the key to change is hidden inside your spiritual gifts and that can be one avenue to get the change your’re seeking.