How to Start Your Journey of Healing With Love and Spirituality

How to Start Your Journey of Healing With Love and Spirituality

Apr 23, 2024

In the Global Healing Collective Today, Love was again the focus… Fear of Love.

Fear of love, what on Earth, Everyone wants love,

Who is afraid of love?


So very, very, very many of us!

Are you a loner who thinks nobody can like you because you are different and unique? And so you play up that uniqueness so it is all that can be seen? Making sure that even those who strive to see you miss all the myriad of complexity that are you and any possible matchups of interest or energy…

Are you someone who loves and keeps returning to an abusive relationship with the pure and light belief that this time it will be different? This time, they will change! – But they never do?

Are you the abuser who knows that this person is so special, so needed in your life, you value them above all else? And still, you find yourself there once again, hurting them, hurting yourself, destroying any chance of connection and love?


We of the Global Healing Collective go out into the multi-dimensional realms and call in the energies that need to be shifted.
We work with the time-space dimensional grid to create safety.

To gently move the flow, just a little bit at a time, to move the needle just that small amount that allows an individual to make a different decision.

Are you ready to end this cycle that is older than you know? To shift to a different paradigm and find a different life?

Are you ready to leave the current you behind and embrace yourself as a whole new being?

This is the work that Global Healers do: to make a difference in the world and in their lives. So many of you want to work in the spiritual realm but won’t take the leap of faith and learning required to step into your spiritual gifts.

For those of you reading, those who are ready to move into their power, change their lives, and work on a global scale, Sean and I are ready to facilitate your transition.

You have 1 life.

Move into your power and do what you were put on Earth to do.

If you don’t know how… ask me.