Soul Liberation: Embracing Magic, Releasing Past Energies, and Retaining Wisdom

Soul Liberation: Embracing Magic, Releasing Past Energies, and Retaining Wisdom

May 16, 2024

Working in the spiritual realm with my client yesterday. I saw her clear as could be; she looked a little different, however, the energy of her spirit was exactly the same, standing there beside White Buffalo Woman . And right after we got off the call, there it was as if by magic, an article about the white buffalo calf being born a couple of weeks ago according to the prediction White Buffalo Woman had made.
A confirmation from a secondary source of what had appeared in our session together.

Releasing Old Wounds and Persecution Trauma

Past lives are all about energy brought forward from the past.
What are the energies that are being brought forward into the life you are currently living?
Are these energies serving you, or are they getting in your way?
Releasing old witch wounds from persecution for these very abilities will open you up to more freedom and love and accessing your magic.

Empowered Living through Soul Liberation

The magic is the key to living the life you wish you had.
Some spiritualists believe in cutting chords; you will not find that here, as I believe that when you cut a chord you lose the lesson.

Soul Enhancements' Approach to Energy Release

We here at SOUL Enhancements have developed the ability to release the energies and retain the learnings.
Let go of all the harmful baggage, while retaining all the good that was gained in the interactions, even the most painful of connections provide us with important lessons that we can therefore avoid once more.