Why “Global Healing Collective” Is Significant for Personal Healing

Why “Global Healing Collective” Is Significant for Personal Healing

Apr 29, 2024

Yesterday, during my birthday, I learned a lot about love, the things I love that are important to me. And, for many months now, the global work I do has taken me to a new dimension of love.


Did you know there is a Global Healing Collective?

If you do, you know what it is and why it is so special.

There is nothing like being in the presence of a group of spiritual healers and warriors who all come together of their own volition for the pure purpose of creating a world that they want to live in.

This is a world where Mama Gaia is healthy and whole,
Where all beings live in growth through harmony, collaboration, and cooperation.

That doesn’t mean competition has disappeared. Yes, it has its place, but it is never one spiritual warrior against another.

Let's explain why.

The abundance of resources this planet provides us is shared so that no one lives in lack unless they choose to. That may be a difficult concept to swallow, but if you believe in the principles of spirituality, difficult or not, you have to accept that everything is your choice.

That said, choice is not the same thing as saying you are to blame. The victim mindset looks outside itself for causes, and this is at least in part due to the energies that one has brought forth into this life. Shifting these energies is often the key to being able to shift mindset and change what your life looks like, from the inside and the outside.

Inside the Global Healing Collective, we know that we are not there yet; we know we have so much work to do. And we can feel the power as we shift the energies.
Moving that which is stagnant into a place of flow.

We volunteer our time and energy.

Each warrior brings their very best to the table.

And gives from their heart.

Learning and growing through the experience to become even greater in their own spiritual abilities.

As we each stretch our limits beyond anything we imagined we could possibly do to create a world in which all can thrive.

Change and transformation are my soul purpose. Helping others through the dark transition. Creating containers for pain and abundance. Working with the fears and codes to make all that is magick real.

I am so grateful for the life I live and to be able to work from a place of love—and now share that with the world.