Why Healing Is Important for Spiritual Health

Why Healing Is Important for Spiritual Health

Apr 30, 2024

This has been an intense holiday season for very many individuals.

And this is nowhere truer than within the Energetic and healing communities.

Sometimes, I hear comments that those who fancy themselves as healer should be able to heal themselves… why would they be among those facing debilitating health challenges?

I mean, you are a healer, aren’t you? PROVE it by healing yourself! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it worked that way?

The best of our healers are putting themselves out there in so many ways.

They help individuals to upgrade their lives on a one-to-one basis daily, and work with the world at large—the collective.

Not all beings in the universe want to see mankind move up to the next level of consciousness—an ascension. Moving from 3D to 5D consciousness.

So, those of us who work to move humankind to a different style of living;

those of us who teach working in cooperation with one another,

those of us who teach unity through love and abundance,

and the realization that everyone finds and lives out their soul purpose…

We are the ones willing to put ourselves out there, and we are the ones coming under attack. These attacks are not with guns and knives.

These attacks are designed to distract us from the important universal work at hand. They show up as autoimmune diseases, health challenges, financial crises, and every type of critical need we can encounter.

It is no longer enough to be a great healer. We now must also embrace our warrior side.

We must embrace being a warrior in an arena that a few years ago would have been terrifying to contemplate.

We must fight even though we live from a guiding principle of LOVE!

We can only “WIN” if all “win.” That means never subjugating or killing our enemy, we must be understanding of all humans and their traits and know that all humans change consciousness collectively in perfect timing...

Here at SOUL Enhancements, these distractions are playing out directly.

Every Friday, a group of strong healers meets to work on a collective level to balance energies on a global and Universal level.

On the 15th, the call was strong to move into a different type of work—dangerous and dark work.

We answered it successfully and dealt with it through love.

But the attack was strong... On the Wed. before Christmas, I was diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that affects the genital area, making the tissue tight and giving it a lichen-like appearance. This explained a UTI/yeast infection that the doctors had not been able to find or explain that I had been experiencing for about the past 8 months. We are currently treating the symptoms, as Western medicine does, without bothering to locate a cause.

Then, on Friday, our dear sister/friend Marya, with environmental illness, Mast Cell, Mold sensitivity, and Lyme Disease, who stays here on our property in her small aluminum camper, discovered it is contaminated with mold in areas that she is unable to reach or clean. So we are helping her address this while she lives in a canopy in her car… we are in Northern California in the rainy season.

These are the distractions.

These obstacles are given to the best of us to keep us from our most important work, healing and working with the collective, and keeping our connection clear for global work.

Our Global Healing Group met again on Friday… it is such a fantastic experience to connect with exceptional individuals who move forward and keep their connection clear as Sean and I do— knowing that we can weather whatever comes our way.
Our strength comes from our connection with our angels and our guides, it is based in LOVE!

The distractions will not defeat us.

These distractions will be present in your life, too.

Remember, everyone has spiritual gifts. Some are healing, some are foretelling, some connect with the other side, and more.

Your gifts will never come to fruition as long as you are being distracted, be it the news, family issues, substance abuse, alcohol, overeating, gambling, and the list goes on.

Ask yourself this before this year runs out… what distractions are coming up in your life, and what are they preventing you from doing?