Why Spiritual Healing Is Important for Resolving Past Trauma

Why Spiritual Healing Is Important for Resolving Past Trauma

Apr 29, 2024

Many of my clients need to rest or sleep after we’ve been working deep in the spiritual realm.

And that’s not unusual. Your body needs time to process AND integrate the work you do.

Spiritual work is tough and you should always reward yourself for working in the shadows. But the real special celebration or gratitude comes when change happens. And for those that are connected to their gifts, change happens fast…


From my client,
“I had the craziest dream last night! There are two women from my past, we were friends when I was married before. Neither one of them supported me through my divorce, but chose to remain friends with my ex-husband. It was very hurtful to me because they didn’t understand the reasons I left him.

In my dream I spoke up and told them how I felt about what happened. I guess my solar plexus is raring to go after yesterday‘s integration of that aspect of me!
It'll be interesting to see how this integration changes things. I feel like the dream was me finally being able to say what I wanted in order to get that shit outta me. I've held on to this since my divorce in 2010.

Whether I actually ever say these things to these women may not even matter. But I let it out in my dream and processed it!”


My client had been holding onto unprocessed emotion, feelings and thoughts for 13 years.

What do you think that did to them?

Holding on to all that. Not living in their authenticity. Holding on to pain and anger?

What chaos in someone’s life would that cause? Stress, poor health, bad decisions, low self-worth…

When we do this we cannot reach the frequency that we should be aligned with.

That frequency aligns you with your life purpose and abundance (and of course, joy, ease and fun).

If you know someone that is holding on to something for way too long, share this post with them today.

There are many ways of dealing with practical daily matters in a spiritual context, that help you move to your next level.

Next level of career, love, income and health.

And I am looking for those that are ready to move to their next level.