How Spirituality Can Awaken Your Inner Divinity

How Spirituality Can Awaken Your Inner Divinity

Apr 23, 2024

She expressed to me, "I don't think I've ever felt worthy in this lifetime. What does it even feel like to be worthy? I honestly don't know. How can you understand something you've never experienced?"


She looked up and addressed her team, "I guess I could try to imagine it. Maybe I'd feel empowered. Perhaps I'd truly believe in myself. I acknowledge that there's a Divine spark within me, but I struggle to see myself as Divine."

"Do you believe in my Divinity?" I asked her. "Of course," she replied. "So if I'm divine, why wouldn't you be?" I queried. "I know, it doesn't quite add up..."

We decided to trace this back because it was evident that she wouldn't fully grasp her worth and worthiness until she acknowledged her own divinity.

So we started to trace this back because, obviously, there was no way she would fully find her worth and worth unless she found her divinity!

The message came in. It was lost right after birth!

An old story, her father stroking her chin and scathingly saying, what a beautiful baby BOY! She had done something horribly wrong – she was born a GIRL. She could not be divine and a girl.


Sometimes these impressions, these energies are simply accepted when we are too young to make an informed choice. When we find them, we have the opportunity to go in, in a variety of ways and release them. There are many different ways to do this, some that work easily and some are more difficult.

Feeling into the way that has the most ease and grace, we proceed into the realm of the VOID.

Connecting back as you take in this next breath to that little baby who felt her father's touch under her chin and heard,

oh, what a beautiful boy,
didn't know the words, but you deep inside knew, you had done something very wrong,
feel it; be that tiny baby.

And we arrive at that place in the void where she is born (as for all actions there is a real and opposite action that also occurs in another dimension) AND WANTED!

And here, here they are celebrating, celebrating this amazing daughter!


Can you see sense them?

Your parents, your father?

Connect to you and let the baby that is you, connect to the baby that we brought with inside of you, Let that baby soak in these feeling, deep in your soul, let it come in.

What do you experience, beautiful one?

Part of me says, I don't have to hold on to this anymore!

and I tell her no you don't. Stay there as long as you need to.

Ahhhhhh, I had an image in my Head, Lion King! Celebrating.

Yes, Celebrating YOU! my friend. Celebrating your divine spark.

After the session, we came out, she knew she was divine.

There was no question anymore: Yes, I am divine, and so is this amazing lady.

And she says: I am powerful,

I do believe in myself,

I deserve a home I am proud to bring people to,

and I am a Divine Soul!

If you want real and lasting change, you have to unlearn and re-learn.

The self is the hardest thing in life to master…and if you want real fulfillment, coming back to yourself is the only way forward.