Why You Should Heal Past Life Wounds

Why You Should Heal Past Life Wounds

Apr 23, 2024


What you're about to read is a true story; my client's name has been changed to protect her confidentiality. Maria has a gentle nature and kind heart but carries a heavy burden on her soul—a witch wound passed down through generations of women in her family.

Many of you carry this wound.

From a young age, Maria was taught to fear her own intuition and suppress her innate connection to the natural world. The women in her family had long been persecuted for their healing abilities and intuitive gifts, labeled as witches and condemned by society.

As she grew older, she felt the weight of this ancestral trauma pressing down on her, manifesting as anxiety, self-doubt, and a deep sense of unworthiness. Her life was a cocktail of poor finances, terrible relationships, and endless patterns of destructive behavior. She was desperate to break free from the disastrous effect of fear on her life and reclaim her power, but the wounds of the past ran deep, spanning lifetimes. In one of our sessions, guided by myself and a higher force, Maria was introduced to a gathering of spirits who spoke of past lives and the healing journey that lay within. Intrigued by the possibility of freedom from her ancestral wounds, we began a journey of self-discovery through past life regression.


As we went deep into her soul's journey, Maria uncovered memories of lifetimes where her ancestors had been persecuted for their gifts; they had endured unimaginable pain and suffering. In tears and trembling, she released the weight of centuries-old wounds that had held her captive for so long
Maria was setting herself free.

With each regression, she felt the chains of fear and oppression loosening their grip, physically making her body lighter. These began to be replaced by a feeling of empowerment and liberation. I told Maria she was not alone—that countless women throughout history had faced similar trials and tribulations and that their stories lived on within her.

These stories live on within you, too.

As she emerged from our session, Maria felt peace and clarity wash over her. The witch wound that had plagued her for so long had been transformed into a source of strength and wisdom, a reminder of her resilience.

A reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.


Your human spirit. Inspired by her own journey of healing, Maria now walks proudly in her ancestral lineage, embracing her gifts and sharing her story with others who carry the weight of the witch wound.

Through the power of past-life release and the support of our loving container, she has found her voice at last. She IS reclaiming her power.

And she will be forever free from the chains of the past.

Thank you, Maria, for letting me share your story. If you know someone who would benefit from reading this, please like our post so we can reach more people, and share it with a friend today.